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Up with the Good! Down with the Bad! How to Use Crutches on the Stairs 101
Up with the Good! Down with the Bad! How to Use Crutches on the Stairs 101
Up with the Good! Down with the Bad! How to Use Crutches on the Stairs 101

Here are some quick and easy reminders on how to use crutches when climbing up and down steps.

When using stairs remember this rule: Up with the good (non-injured leg) and down with the bad (injured leg).

Up Stairs

  1. Hold the handrail with one hand. Put both crutches in your other hand. Support your weight evenly between the handrail and your crutches.
  2. Step up with your good leg. Get your balance before moving farther.
  3. Bring your crutches and injured leg up.

Down Stairs

  1. Hold the handrail with one hand. Put both crutches in your other hand
  2. With your weight on your good leg, move your crutches down. Step down with your injured leg.
  3. Support your weight evenly between the handrail and your crutches. Slowly bring your good leg down. Don’t hop.

For Using Crutches a downloadable instruction sheet on using crutches.

Author: Suzy Cummings, RN
Kansas City Bone & Joint Clinic