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Mooooove Over Milk! Ways to Incorporate Daily Calcium
Mooooove Over Milk! Ways to Incorporate Daily Calcium

Does milk really do a body good? Several studies have actually linked increased milk consumption with higher risks for fractures and decreased bone health.


• “Consumption of dairy products, particularly at age 20 years, was associated with an increased risk of hip fracture in old age (“Case-Control Study of Risk Factors for Hip Fractures in the Elderly”. American Journal of Epidemiology. Vol. 139, No 5, 1994).

• “The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk.” (Amy Lanou Ph.D, nutrition director for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C.)


What gives, I was taught that drinking milk was good for my bones? Although milk is calcium rich (~300 mg per cup), it also contains animal protein that cause the body’s pH to become acidic. This subsequently triggers a biological correction, requiring a neutralizing agent. Ironically enough, calcium is actually an excellent acid neutralizer.

However, the body’s largest storage is found unfortunately in the bones. Thus, it is thought that the body steals the calcium to counteract the changes. Essentially leaving the body with less calcium in the first place.  Scary stuff, huh.


How on earth then do I get daily calcium and maintain my bone health?


Eat more leafy greens and beans. Not only are these chock-full of calcium but they are also excellent sources of other vitamins and minerals. Good examples are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, mustard greens and Swiss chard. Also load up on legumes and chickpeas to up your calcium. Ever thought someone would actually tell you to eat your beans?!

Get active! Regular weight-bearing exercise is crucial for bone health. This is particularly important for women in deterring osteoporosis. More active people tend to keep calcium in their bones.


Grandparents With Children Walking Through Fall Woodland


Soak up some sun. Vitamin D plays an important role in controlling the body’s use of calcium. About 15 minutes of sunlight a day helps to produce the daily recommended dose of vitamin D. Multitask and go for a walk outside on a sunny day to get your vitamin D and daily weight-bearing exercise.

Avoid excess salt. Dietary sodium tends to increase the amount of calcium lost as it is filtered through the kidneys. Passing up on salty snacks can help to deter this.

So in general don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t rely solely on milk to get your calcium intake as it may just have the opposite effect you are intending.  Eat legumes, leafy greens, and get yourself outside!

But what if I like drinking something with my cookies?? Well, we have a suggestion. There are other calcium rich drinks without harmful side effects that traditional cow’s milk may contain.  Try unsweetened almond milk or organic soy milk.

Author: Lindsey Baxter
