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Virtual Orthopedic Visit

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Is TeleHealth the “New Normal”?
Is TeleHealth the “New Normal”?

With more and more of the world following social distancing protocols, virtual healthcare interactions, or TeleHealth visits, have become the new normal. According to the former Medical Director of the Robert Graham Center, Winston Liaw, MD, MPH, most patients report ease of accessibility as the reason for their choice to use TeleHealth services. In the past, these services were mostly used to provide patient care to those living in rural areas, or those with a lack of transport or having a home bound status. Now TeleHealth is considered a vital healthcare standard for providing care during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Why Use TeleHealth?

Kcbj TeleHealth

Now, with recent stay at home restrictions, we find ourselves needing to utilize these long-distance communication tools, such as videoconferencing, store-and-forward imaging, and phone calls.  


The providers at Kansas City Bone and Joint Clinic have enabled TeleHealth appointments in efforts to keep both our healthcare workers and our patients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Basic technical requirements for this are simple; you must have a computer or cell phone equipped with a camera and microphone as well as a reliable internet connection.

Am I a Candidate for a TeleHealth Visit?

Many of our patients being scheduled for in-office visits require additional services, such as cast applications or x-ray services.  Acute injuries, such as fracture or lacerations also tend to require this “in person” evaluation to determine the proper level of care.  Those who are being seen for a follow-up visit, or those that do not require an in-person evaluation are great candidates for TeleHealth visits.  Physical therapy, diagnostic testing, and medications refills can all be fulfilled through the patient portal, or by calling the office and leaving a message for our nurse assistant team without having to schedule any appointments at all!

What to Expect During a TeleHealth Visit?

Sick Phone

During a TeleHealth visit at KCBJ, you will be contacted via the method of your choice. Your height and weight will be obtained verbally. If you have the resources to take your blood pressure or temperature, you may be asked to do that as well.


Medication and allergies will be confirmed with you as well to ensure that we have the most up to date information in your chart.

Videoconferencing is preferred so the provider can perform a visual examination of the affected area.  The provider can also assist you in performing a diagnostic assessment of your symptoms to help establish contributing factors of your symptoms. You will be provided with care instructions for your visit and how to schedule a follow up appointment if indicated.

Fast, easy, and safe! Call to speak with our scheduling department to see if a TeleHealth visit is best for you.

