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Holiday Gatherings and COVID-19
Holiday Gatherings and COVID-19

It is no secret that 2020 has been a crazy year due to COVID-19. It has been filled with stress and isolation from loved ones, fear of the unknown, and concerns of how to best protect your community.

We are approaching a season that is typically an opportunity to reconnect with family members and friends. Consider how your holiday plans can be modified to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and keep your community safe. Below we will discuss a few ways to keep some of your holiday traditions alive while keeping your friends and family safe! As always, please remember to check with the CDC’s recommendations for further information on COVID-19.

1. Christmas Tree Shopping

Christmas Tree Shopping

With tree shopping being a primarily outdoor activity, it is considered a lower risk for the spread of COVID-19. Taking your household on an outdoor adventure to search for the perfect tree is a great way to get in the holiday spirit while maintaining distance from others. Let’s not forget to wear a mask or face covering while you are around people to protect those around you. It will also protect your face from the cold & frosty weather!

2. Holiday Lights and Decorations

Holiday Lights

Perhaps your family enjoys driving through brightly decorated neighborhoods while listening to cheerful holiday tunes. For this tradition, try limiting the number of people in the vehicle to strictly members of your household. Any extended family members can always follow along in the car behind you! A healthy alternative could also be to take a walk through the neighborhoods while maintaining a safe distance as well!

3. Connecting with Extended Family and Friends

Connecting with Extended Family and Friends

One of the benefits of 2020 is the technological advancements that have been made to allow the family to gather and connect virtually. “Zoom”, “Skype”, and “Facetime” are just a few of the newest features that have created a safe way to connect with loved ones over the holidays. Consider setting aside a time with your family/friends to get online and reconnect with them face to face from a safe distance!

Covid19 blog

Finally, try to have fun with it. We are all going through a lot this year, and everyone will have to get a bit more creative than usual. Some fun ideas include getting matching holiday themed masks and taking a family portrait, finding some hand sanitizer that smells like pine or gingerbread cookies, or creating a 2020 themed ornament.

Hopefully these tips will help keep the holiday season merry and bright, while maintaining safe and healthy boundaries to protect loved ones from the spread of COVID-19.

Author: Jenny Kurtz