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Coping During COVID-19
Coping During COVID-19

Life has become much different since the COVID-19 pandemic surged early this year. We have all heard the world wide news of how many people are being affected by the pandemic. Our hearts and our appreciation go out to all those who are facing this head on.

Social Distance

The public has been asked to comply with social distancing to slow down the spread of this disease. This concept can be hard to handle and hard to implement.  The new “normal” now includes Telehealth appointments with your doctors, fitness centers being closed, carry-out meals, and more online shopping. 


Two very big thumbs up to those who have additionally taken on the added task of homeschooling their children through all of this!

In these uncertain times, many people are feeling the stress of not knowing how to cope with the “new normal”.  There are many ways that we can adapt to these changes without letting fear lead the way!  The internet if full of ideas for new things to try- you can browse Pinterest for DIY project tutorials, or recipes to work on.  Many of us are now realizing that we’ve not been interested in many hobbies in the past, and what better time than the present to find one!

Aaron Smith, PA-C, Kcbj

The thing that has helped me so much is continuing to play golf. Some people would argue that golf is not social distancing, but I disagree! I had the opportunity to play over the past couple of weeks, and that has helped me get through these tough times. Two of the courses that I was able to play at offered walking only courses or they disinfected their golf carts and had a one person restrictions for use.

Aaron Smith, PA-C, Kcbj

Physician Assistant to Jeffry Salin, DO




From an orthopedic standpoint, one of the most important things we can do is try to stay active.  If we stop moving our body, it is hard to get it moving in the future.  I have heard patient after patient say that once they are up and moving, their pain goes away!  Getting out of the house can be a big step for those who feel like they are stuck at home. Being in the sun help decrease anxiety as well, so get outside and get some fresh air!


To sum it up, I believe that we can all stay active and enjoy the things we like to do while still conforming to social distancing protocols. Some of us have been given the opportunity to spend more time with our families, and build stronger relationships with those in the community around us. I know I hope to see you on the links during my next round of golf!

Aaron Smith, PA-C.

Aaron Smith, PA-C

Physician Assisant to Jeffrey Salin, DO I enjoy working in Orthopedic Medicine and helping our patients return to active living. I like working with Dr. Salin using the ASI (Anterior Supine Intramuscular) hip replacement and seeing our patient return quickly to normal activity.