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Benefits of Walking
Benefits of Walking

Walking often gets over looked when it comes to exercising. Committing to a new lifestyle change can be hard for several people. Especially with the new fitness fads that have been popping up everywhere. Walking is a great way to get started on the journey to a healthier you. It can easily fit into a busy schedule and is also financially sound.


There are great benefits that come from walking like maintaining bone mass unlike swimming. Swimming is great for cardio but it takes away the stress on the bones and joints. You lose the benefit of maintaining bone strength and bone mass. So if you choose to swim keep it up, that’s great!

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket though. Get out and walk.

Biking requires an investment and can get out of hand and expensive quickly. Not to mention maintenance, repairs, and risk.


Gyms have classes with many different avenues of activities such as Crossfit, Zumba,spinning, and countless other aerobic activities. These all require expenses.

Walking requires very little expense or risk. It’s something you can do with the family or by yourself. It’s a great time to meditate and reflect on what’s going on in your life or simply tuning in to your favorite jams.

“Sometimes the hardest part of working out is getting started,” said orthopaedic surgeon and AAOS spokesperson Carolyn Hettrich, MD.

So what do you need to get off the couch and on the sidewalk to a healthier life?

First and foremost, shoes. A good pair of tennis shoes that give you support in all the right places. Proper shoe fitting.

First things first. Get off the couch and out the front door. NEXT, choose to go left, right, or straight ahead. Lastly, WALK.

Start small. Park farther away from the store, walk to the end of the street, or even a few houses down from you. Try to go farther the next time and start from there.


When you’re walking, be confident. You are doing something to better yourself. You’re taking time away from your busy schedule to work on you. A better you. A healthier you.

After you have found a good walking routine for yourself be sure to repeat it 3-4 times a week. Make sure you are taking days off in between to allow the body to rest. Once you become comfortable with your routine start to increase it by 5 minutes to build up strength and endurance.

Be sure to drink plenty of water and give yourself a day’s rest after a particularly long walk. Remember, once a routine is made, which takes about 3 weeks for your body to recognize a routine, then it will become easier to get out there.


So get yourself some new shoes and hit the road!

By: Taylor Ubben, CMA


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