“Say Cheese”
Those words are said over 50 times in our office by our registration department.
Now, I am sure most responded with “Say What?” or “You want to take my picture? What in the world for?”
Well, here is why…
Our electronic medical record allow us to attach a picture to a chart so that anytime your chart is pulled up by the provider, your picture will also be visible. The office staff and providers really like this feature.
Reduction in Medical Errors
We believe this feature in our electronic medical records system helps significantly in reducing mistakes. An article in the Chicago Tribune from June 4, 2012, reported on a study that determined that having patient’s pictures in the chart could significantly reduce medical error.
We are a busy practice and strive to have patients seen in a timely manner ,which can open a risk for human error when entering information. The picture is one more double check to make sure that the correct information goes into the correct chart. Please know this is a private chart and we cannot legally reveal your picture or anything else in your chart without your consent.
So smile, say “cheese and crackers” and know that this picture can help keep your information accurate.