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A Physiatrist, or what we like to call a functionologist, takes care of function. It doesn’t matter how the person has lost their function whether it is because of a sports injury or they had a heart attack, a stroke or a gunshot wound to the spinal cord and now they’re paralyzed. All these patients have lost function and the goal is to restore their function the best we can using medicine, therapy and interventions.

When assessing function, different equipment may be used. For example nerves and muscles are assessed using electro diagnostic medicine and muscle and joint function using ultrasound which is a relatively new technology.

Many treatment options are available both in our office and by referral. A few options our physicians may use are Botox injections, pain pumps, trigger point injections and ultrasound or EMG guided injections.

Most importantly we look at the whole person, and try to determine the loss of function and what we can do to improve it. Click here to go to our physiatry and rehab section.