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We Are Here For You, Wherever You Are
We Are Here For You, Wherever You Are

You know all that “pesky paperwork” that you have to fill out in the waiting room at the doctor’s office? Well now you can fill it out online before your appointment.

Ask a nurse a question, pay your bill, request an appointment, renew a prescription or complete your paperwork. All of these options and more are available to you through our patient portal.

What is a patient portal? Patient portals are online healthcare applications that allow patients to communicate with their healthcare providers in a secure manner. Patient portals assist in improving patient care by allowing patients to take ownership of their own health record. They offer the capability to go online and securely utilize options to maintain health information. Kansas City Bone & Joint Clinic has been utilizing a patient portal since 2008.

In a recent article on patient portals, our systems administrator, Hilary Bias describes benefits of a patient portal. She notes “We’ve noticed much more efficiency at patient check-in. It takes us three minutes to get a patient checked in when it used to take 10-15. This allows us to move patients to the exam room faster.” In other words, less time filling out paperwork and more time with the physician.

The nurses in our office have noticed that the communication with the patient is improved. Dr. Elton’s nurse explains “It takes away from phone tag with the patient. I am able to securely contact them with a prescription refill being authorized or his/her MRI results.”

The billing department has also noticed that online bill pay has been utilized. Patients are able to pay their medical bills at their own convenience and are able to review those bills at home.

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