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Trick or Treat Safety Tips
Trick or Treat Safety Tips
Trick or Treat Safety Tips 01

Happy Halloween!

We absolutely love this time of year. The smells of pumpkin spice, going on hay rides, the giant gobs of candy, and our personal favourite, all of the skeletons, since we are in the “bone business” at Kansas City Bone & Joint.

Trick or Treat Safety Tips 02

As much as we love this time of year, we also are very aware of the dangers of trick or treating at night and recommend that parents review these tips:

  1. Use glow sticks or flashlights to be seen by drivers
  2. Decorate the costume and bags with reflective tape, lights or stickers.
  3. Avoid masks if possible and try non-toxic paint so your kids will be able to watch for cars
  4. Select a costume that fits well to avoid trips and falls
  5. Stay with your kids or have them remain in a large group
  6. Stick to areas well lit and only cross at crosswalks when possible
  7. If you are a driver, please be aware of pedestrians that evening

We hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween this year!

For more safety tips:

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