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Rain, Rain, Go Away & Make My Joints Feel Better
Rain, Rain, Go Away & Make My Joints Feel Better
Rain, Rain, Go Away & Make My Joints Feel Better

Image source: Wikimedia

Does Grandpa always know when it is going to rain or how about snow? A recent article published in the Wall Street Journal indicates Grandma and Grandpa may be on to something. In fact, The Weather Channel even has an “aches and pains” report available to people to determine if they will likely have pain on a specific day.

The Wall Street Journal article notes many patients believe certain weather conditions exacerbate their pain. Consequently, orthopedists and physiatrists, along with several other practioners note an increase in patient complaints during certain times of the year.

Dr. Atul Patel smiles as he says “I have multiple barometers in my clinic during the winter months. I think could have my own weather station due to the amount of patients noting the change in the weather.”

Tips to help you “weather” the weather

  • Consider dressing warmly in the cold.
  • Attempt to keep your house from being drafty
  • Stay active. The old saying of “motion is lotion” will help keep those joints from stiffening up.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Yes you know this. You know it will take stress off of your already sore joints. It is tough during the holiday season but we still really, really recommend it!
  • Consider taking a pain reliever, such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol or Aleve prior to a storm or colder weather.
  • Apply heat or ice to achy joints
  • Consider visiting a warm climate during the winter.

For more information and original article, click here.

Compiled by: Amy M Roberts, MS ATC/L

Kansas City Bone & Joint Clinic