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“My finger is swollen and now I can’t get my ring off!?!?”

How do you manage a stuck ring?

“My finger is swollen and now I can’t get my ring off!?!?” 01

Here are some helpful hints and tricks for when you are stuck, literally. Try these things prior to visiting your local jewelry store.

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According to the American Society for Surgery of the Hand:

  • Try a squirt of Windex

yes Windex – on the finger and ring.

  • Apply any lubricant such as soap or oils.
  • Apply any lubricant such as soap or oils.
  • Elevate overhead for 5-10 minutes with ice around the ring and finger, then try to add soap or oil.
  • Compress the swollen tissue with thread or dental floss
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Slip thread or Floss under the ring with the bulk of it toward the fingertip. Beginning at the ring, snugly wrap the finger with the thread/floss around and around compressing the tissue—go up and over the joint.

With the end that was under the ring, begin to unwrap the tread or floss with the ring sliding over the joint.

“My finger is swollen and now I can’t get my ring off!?!?” 04

If all else fails, cut the ring off with a ring cutter found in jewelry stores, fire departments and Emergency Rooms.

Pictures Taken by: Stephanie Jones, AT
Kansas City Bone & Joint Clinic