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Have you recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA), but are still wanting to stay active?
Have you recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA), but are still wanting to stay active?

Here are some low impact activities that will get your heart rate up, and keep you feeling fit! With walking, the force on your knees and hips are the equivalent of 1½ times your body weight. This is why it is important to avoid high impact activities. is great for calculating the amount of calories burned during exercise. The calculations provided below are based on a 150 pound individual who exercises for approximately 30 minutes.

1. Swimming leisurely (204 calories)

2. Elliptical (306 calories)

3. Cycling (238 calories on a stationary cycle and 340 calories leisurely cycling @ 14-16 mph.)

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4. Weight lifting (102 calories)

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5. Rowing (289 calories)

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6. Kayaking (170 calories)

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7. Water Aerobics (136 calories)

8. Yoga (85 calories)

As you can see, even low impact activities can get your heart rate up and help burn calories. Get out and get moving!

Author: Darci Mertz
