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Eating healthy and exercise go hand-in-hand
Eating healthy and exercise go hand-in-hand
Eating healthy and exercise go hand-in-hand

Have you recently started an exercise regimen, but are not obtaining your target weight?

Eating healthy and exercise go hand-in- hand. You can reach your ideal weight, but there is no quick fix. This is why many people give up, or get frustrated, as they do not see results right away. The best advice I can give, is do not look at eating healthy as a diet, but as changing your lifestyle for the better.

Controlling your portion sizes can help you obtain your weight loss goals.

  • Drink more water. If you struggle with drinking water, try adding lemons, limes, or cucumbers to add flavor. Do not drink your calories.
  • Eat breakfast. Do not skip meals.
  • Use a smaller plate.
  • Do not eat out. Bring your lunch to work.
  • Eat at the dinner table. Try not to eat in front of the television or computer, as you tend to overeat.
  • Plan out your meals for the week. Pick a day where you can portion your meals and snacks out. This can be overwhelming, so start by planning out your meals for the next 3 days.
  • Keep a daily log of what you are eating. It is interesting to see how many calories are consumed throughout the day. There are many websites that help you keep track of your daily intake such as; Myfitnesspal, Loseit, and Sparkpeople.

If you have issues with staying on track, get a personal trainer or exercise with a friend. You are more likely to succeed when someone is there to hold you accountable and push you.

Author: Darci Mertz

Kansas City Bone and Joint Clinic