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Doctor Spotlight: Dr. Clint Walker, MD
Doctor Spotlight: Dr. Clint Walker, MD

We held down each doctor in the office for a little one on one to find out a little about them.

Doctor Spotlight: Dr.Clint Walker, MD 01


Where are you from?

A small farming community in South East Kansas.

Where did you go to school?

Pitt State, Go Gorillas!
Washington University in St. Louis.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in high school or college?

Baseball and football. I was also active in 4H.

Who inspired you to go into Orthopaedics?

As long as I can remember, I have been interested in ortho. I had an early exposure to orthopedics through sports and having family, friends, and myself with orthopaedic injuries.

As a child, did you want to be a doctor? If not, what occupation?

All my life, that I can remember, I have wanted to be in orthopaedics. My back up plan was to be a baseball player and deep sea fishing captain.

How did you feel when you received your doctoral degree?

It was a very big accomplishment, but passed so quickly because you knew that you needed to be 100% focused on studying for residency in a couple weeks.

Doctor Spotlight: Dr.Clint Walker, MD 02


What do you like most about your job?

Fixing problems and seeing people get better and regaining their freedom.

What is the most challenging about your job?

The hours and trying to make space for everyone who needs and want a clinic appointment is probably the most challenging aspect.

What is a common misconception about your field of work?

That we all golf; I would happily fish in the water hazards though.

What do you like about living in the Kansas City are?

I love Kansas City, the people are so friendly, there is great BBQ, great parks for walking and bike riding and it is still easy to get out into the country side. There is so much to do in KC!

Doctor Spotlight: Dr.Clint Walker, MD 03

Fun Facts

How many children do you have?

I have 6 nieces and nephews who I get to take camping and otherwise spoil.

Do you have any pets?

Plants. (I work too much for a dog)

What is your favorite movie/TV show/ book?

John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies- Big Jake, Outlaw Josey Wales, Dirty Dozen, etc.

I like reading books about history, adventure and the old west.

What is your favorite sports team?

Kansas City Royals

If you were on an island, what 3 items would you bring?

Fishing pole, journal, and a large hat.

What is your favorite meal?

Steak grilled at home on a Friday night.

What do you want when you retire?

Run a fishing boat and spend time with family.

Coffee or tea?

Coffee in the morning and tea all summer long.

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate (sneak some peanut butter in)