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Top Shoulder Exercises to Help Regain Motion
Top Shoulder Exercises to Help Regain Motion

The top exercises you need to know before and after your surgery. When rehabbing your shoulder, try these exercises at home to help in the process of regaining your full shoulder movement.

*Please note that depending on what type of shoulder surgery was performed, exercises may vary. Please consult with your physician prior to performing these exercises.*

1. Pendulums

Lean forward at the waist, letting your arm hang freely. Support yourself by placing the opposite hand on a chair, table or counter. Sway your hole body slowly forward and back. This will cause your arm to move. Let your arm hang freely. Do not tense up.

2. Cane Stretches

Holding the stick/bat/cane/golf club/etc. in both hands, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart. Using the stick (etc.) rais your arm overhead until you feel a gentle stretch. Do this in all three planes. Forward, 45 degrees and to the side.

3. Table Slides or Wall Slides

Stand in front of the wall and place the surgery hand against the wall. Use your good hand to gentle push the arm up the wall until you feel a gentle stretch in the shoulder. Slowly slide back down to your starting position.

The goal of these exercises is to prevent the shoulder from becoming exceptionally stiff while waiting for the repair that the was done by the surgeon to heal. These exercises are not meant to be done aggressively to gain all motion back at once. Be mindful of what your body is telling you. Gentle stretching. When it hurts, slowly back off. There will come a time to get aggressive with motion and strengthening. It’s not now.

Author: Stephanie Jones

Model: Tara Gilmore